Hoffmann Eitle


Arabellastrasse 30

Tel:+49 89 92409 0

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HOFFMANN EITLE is a well-known European IP boutique firm with more than 100 in-house IP professionals working in seven locations – Munich, London, Milan, Madrid, Dusseldorf, Hamburg and Amsterdam. The firm’s headquarters are in Munich and this is where most of its attorneys are located.

HOFFMANN EITLE, which was founded in 1892, has grown from just one founding member into one of the largest and most renowned law firms in Europe. Its long tradition of excellence is today combined with a truly modern approach to IP consultation, very much to the satisfaction of its many clients. HOFFMANN EITLE’s commitment to quality and competence has also been recognized by the industry, as evident from the numerous awards it has won and its consistently high ranking in major industry guides.

HOFFMANN EITLE offers comprehensive European IP services and competent advice in all technical and legal areas. Its team of more than 90 patent attorneys with European and national qualifications and various technical backgrounds files in excess of 4,000 patent applications each year. HOFFMANN EITLE is the market leader in European Patent Office opposition work, being involved in over 5% of opposition cases.

HOFFMANN EITLE is also very active in patent litigation, both in the coordination of multi-jurisdictional disputes and proceedings at the German courts. In addition, its litigation and licensing team is on hand to provide advice on other IP-related issues, such as competition law, contract law and licensing.

Trademark and design work is another major field of expertise at HOFFMANN EITLE. The firm has a dedicated team of in-house attorneys at law with specialized knowledge in trademark prosecution and litigation.

HOFFMANN EITLE is a multinational firm. Its IP professionals come from a number of countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark as well as from several countries outside of Europe, including the United States, Japan, China and Korea. This means that the attorneys of HOFFMANN EITLE are able to advise clients in many languages, with an understanding of local legal traditions and a network of contacts in their attorneys’ respective home countries.

In addition to HOFFMANN EITLE’s extensive in-house talent, the firm has built up over the years a regional and global network of associate lawyers and law firms which provide HOFFMANN EITLE with any assistance it may require to competently coordinate multinational prosecution and litigation projects for its clients.

The firm’s international client base includes many well-known large corporations as well as small and medium-sized firms from Japan, Korea, China, the United States and Europe.

Network Memberships: German Patent Bar Association; CIPA; IPReg; AIPPI; LES; INTA; AIPLA; IPO 


Last updated6th October 2020

Sector Expertise

  • Aerospace & Defence
  • Automotive
  • Construction & Materials
  • Engineering
  • Electronics & Semiconductors
  • Food & Beverage
  • Green Technology
  • ICT & Software
  • Life Sciences & Chemistry
  • Medical Devices
  • Optics & Photonics
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Robotics & Nanotechnology
  • Telecommunication
  • Universities & Research