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Showing 1 - 10 of 23 for "artists" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Kenya: Look no further than the Copyright Act to expand the layer of IP protection

12 December 2023 by Von Seidels

While a 3D trade mark registration of labels and/or packaging used in relation to products sold in the Kenyan market should provide the owner thereof with sufficient intellectual property (IP) protection, owners may add a further layer of IP protection in the labels through copyright in terms of the Copyright Act, 2001 (the Act).


Jenner & Block - New York


Bray & Krais - United Kingdom (England)


Fenwick & West - California

News & Analysis

Nollywood and Brand Synergy: A Product Placement Perspective

20 October 2023 by Inventa

Vera Albino, Legal Manager at Inventa, analyses Nollywood and Brand Synergy.

News & Analysis

Major strides in the inclusivity of Copyright Law in Africa

17 November 2022 by Zaheer Seedat; Adré Pretorius

Zaheer Seedat of Von Seidels describes the recent developments in the inclusivity of Copyright Law in Africa

News & Analysis

IP developments in Africa’s OAPI region

26 January 2022 by Oswald Alembong, Von Seidels (Cameroon)

There are recent and forthcoming changes to OAPI registration procedures

News & Analysis

MIP Top 250 Women in IP interview: Q&A with Lorraine Tay

06 September 2021 by Managing IP

Lorraine Tay of Bird & Bird ATMD talks about her career in intellectual property law, key principles in client work, and life outside work

News & Analysis

Demystifying the blockchain — why NFTs matter

19 June 2024 by Murgitroyd

Alain Godement from Murgitroyd about blockchains and NFTs.

News & Analysis

Artificial Intelligence And Intellectual Property

22 May 2024 by Dariana Istrate, NNDKP

Dariana Istrate, Senior Associate, Nestor Nestor Diculescu Kingston Petersen (NNDKP) talks about artificial intelligence and intellectual property