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Showing 811 - 820 of 980 for "Germany" with applied filters


Angela Zumstein

Practice areas

Patent litigation, Patent prosecution, Patent strategy & counseling

Industry sectors

Biotechnology, Chemistry, Food & beverage, Life sciences, Pharmaceutical


Jörk Zwicker


Sony Corporation (company)


Addleshaw Goddard - United Kingdom (England)

News & Analysis

How conflicts are affecting IP protection in Africa

06 September 2023 by Inventa

Inês Sequeira of Inventa explains how conflicts are affecting IP protection in Africa.

News & Analysis

Is a commercially available product always state of the art according to Article 54(2) EPC?

31 July 2023 by Società Italiana Brevetti (SIB)

Sofia Santoro and Alessandra Antonucci of SIB explain the significance of G1/23, a referral to the Enlarged Board of Appeal

News & Analysis

Trends in patent filings 2022: Electrical devices and digital communication technologies

13 June 2023 by Inventa

Vítor Sérgio Moreira of Inventa explore the patent filing trends at the EPO for electrical devices and digital communication technologies

News & Analysis

EPO guidelines for examination 2023: what’s new?

15 May 2023 by Società Italiana Brevetti (SIB)

European patent attorney Benedetta Soranzo highlights the most important changes in the 2023 version of the Guidelines for Examination of the European Patent Office. On 1 March 2023, the annual updated version of the Guidelines for Examination of the European Patent Office (hereinafter the EPO) came into force; the updates reflect modifications in the EPO’s practice.

News & Analysis

Copyright and human rights in Europe: key decisions in 2022

18 January 2023 by Inventa

Vera Albino, Legal Manager at Inventa, analyses some of the European copyright decisions in 2022 which dealt with human rights law

News & Analysis

V.O. welcomes three new partners

11 January 2023 by VO

With this expansion of the partner team, V.O. is even better able to serve the growing customer base within the Chemistry and Life Sciences sections