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Showing 2031 - 2040 of 2090 for "NSN Law Firm" with applied filters

News & Analysis

Examining the droit moral of integrity

02 July 2018 by Managing Intellectual Property

In Mexico, droit moral is attached to the author and is inalienable, does not expire, cannot be waived and cannot be encumbered. The author and his/her heirs can enforce this right.

News & Analysis

Kenyan authorities propose changes to the ACA and IPA

02 July 2018 by Wayne Meiring

The Kenyan authorities have published a bill, the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2018 (the Bill), which proposes significant changes to two pieces of IP legislation.

News & Analysis

Court awards compensation to Acteon for nullity proceedings

02 July 2018 by Managing Intellectual Property

In a recent ruling by the Court of The Hague (ECLI:NL:RBDHA:2018:4591) a defendant/patentee has been ordered to pay the costs of nullity proceedings brought against it, despite not wishing to maintain or assert its patent.

News & Analysis

Court rules that single colour cannot be trade mark

02 July 2018 by Managing Intellectual Property

In the case of Christian Louboutin SAS v Abubaker & Ors, a single judge of the Hon’ble Delhi High Court summarily dismissed a trade mark infringement and passing off suit on May 18 2018, without issuing summons to the defendants, holding that use of a single colour rather than a combination of colours does not qualify as a mark under Section 2(1)(m) and as a trade mark under Section 2(1)(zb) of the Trademarks Act 1999 (hereinafter the Act).

News & Analysis

How will China’s government reform affect IP in the country?

01 June 2018 by Jing He

China announced a huge government reshuffle programme. The sweeping government restructuring programme was said to be the largest reform since the end of the Mao Zedong era in the 1970s

News & Analysis

Examining non-trade mark rights protected by Chinese trade mark law

01 June 2018 by Lily Changxin Lei

In recent years, the protection system for trade mark rights has become more and more mature in China. Non-trade mark rights have also caught the attention of IP practitioners and even outsiders.

News & Analysis

Determining the originality of a photographic work

01 June 2018 by Managing Intellectual Property

In 2008, a legislator’s wig was ripped off at the Control Yuan of Taiwan, an incident which was recorded by photography by a number of reporters at the scene.

News & Analysis

Permissible evidence before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property

01 June 2018 by Managing Intellectual Property

It has become common practice for parties of any administrative proceeding to ask the Institute of Industrial Property to require a third party, not related to the proceeding, or even its counterpart, to respond to several questions raised by the offeror of the proof.

News & Analysis

Unregistered trade marks in Kenya and the OAPI

01 June 2018 by Wayne Meiring

The recent Kenyan High Court decision of Fibrelink Limited v Star Television Productions Limited is important. This is because it confirms that it is possible to oppose a trade mark application in Kenya on the basis of a common law or unregistered mark.

News & Analysis

Proving plausibility before the EPO

01 June 2018 by Managing Intellectual Property

A common dilemma for inventors and applicants before the European Patent Office is whether an invention is sufficiently mature for a patent application to be filed.