Gruenbaum Possinhas & Teixeira



IP STARS Reviews



"We appreciate their responsiveness."

"The tea is the most professional and competent in Brazil."

"They are always ready to go the extra mile for a perfect job."

"The response times are very fast and the legal recommendations are clear. The communication in general with the lawyers involved is excellent compared to other law firms in South America."

"We appreciate the team's skills, quickness, clarity and transparency in delivering good-quality work."

"We value the way they handle matters to the client's satisfaction."

"They are organised, they respond quickly to our emails, they do very good work in patent prosecution and the communication is always smooth. "

"We appreciate that they always respond in short time, or at least they let us know that they are attending to our consults if the response is not easy."

"They are very knowledgeable and I can trust them no matter what. "