Pinja Hoffrichter

Nordia Law - Finland


Eteläesplanadi 22 A
Helsinki FI-00130




Practice areas:

Copyright & related rights
Trade mark
Trade secrets/confidential information

Industry sectors:

Computer technology & services
Hospitality & leisure
Professional services
Universities & research

Over 10 years of experience as a legal practitioner with high focus on litigation. Besides LL.M. Pinja holds an additional degree M.Sc.(Econ) majoring in intellectual property law. On a daily basis Pinja deals with in-depth advising on trademark and copyright related matters as well as appears before national and EU authorities and courts for IP related disputes and criminal cases. She is specialized in IP litigation and crimes and with her extensive dispute resolution and criminal law background, she can provide the client high substance expertise as well as highly appreciated argumentation skills and process law knowledge in the court proceeding.

Year Joined Firm: 2019

Education/Alumni: LL.M (University of Lapland) MSc.Econ. (Hanken School of Economics)